Perform Better
Every week, Learners like you do three simple things.
Purple Forest Learners:

Learners like you SET
competency-based goals.

At opusomni, we’ve done the research
to answer the question,
“What factors drive human performance
in the real world?”
We’ve taken all that research
that is hard to understand,
and at times, even harder to apply,
and baked it into an easy,
fun-to-use Web App
to help you perform better.
To SET your competency-based goals,
simply answer five questions
by scrolling through the lists.
Every time, you will set personal goals
that include the factors
designed to drive performance achievement.
Learners like you SAVE
your Performance Record.
Every week, you will update
your progress towards achieving
your goals,
write a self-reflective journal entry,
called a SHINE note which is
designed to stimulate learning,
and share Artifacts to show
how you are achieving your goals.

Every quarter, you will complete
a Self-Assessment of your performance
based on your own goals and your progress
towards achieving them.
You may also have a Mentor and/or Peers
participate in your Assessment.
Mentors and Peers provide
supportive feedback and insights
to help you perform better.

Your Performance Record is yours
to take with you
to land your first job,
get that promotion,
or compete for your dream job.

Learners like you SHARE
your experiences in a
closed chatroom with other
Learners who are determined
to gain similar skills.

Every week, you will immerse yourself
in the Collective Wisdom
of our community.
As a Learner, you will share
your experiences over the past week
making analogies to a story
about orienteering in the dark.
As a Learner, you will also
provide support, resources, and insights
to other Learners
to help them achieve their goals.
Learn more about how the Purple Forest system powers:

Purple Forest System

Registered Apprenticeships

$5,000/yr USD
*All current Reg. Apprenticeships are one year except Teacher is 2 yrs.


$5,000/yr USD
*All current Freelanceships are one year except Teacher is 2 yrs.

Upskilling for Lifelong Learners

Youth Apprenticeships

Youth Apprenticeship
Coming soon! $2,500/yr USD
*Youth Apprentices complete 1,000 hrs over 1-2 yrs which meets half of the requirements for many US DOL Registered Apprenticeship. The other half can be completed after High School Graduation. *Youth Apprenticeships are completed by September, after the second summer on-the-job.

Youth Pre-Apprenticeships

Youth Pre -Apprenticeship
Coming soon! $30/mo for 3yrs USD
*Youth Pre-Apprentices complete at least 1,000 hrs over 3 yrs. The “Top Ten Job Skills” for our Pre-Apprenticeship are based upon the World Economic Forum’s survey of the Top Ten Job Skills that employers are seeking.